Now Novel Education
4.8 From 1 to 5
121 Reviews
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Reviews 121
Recommend 10 / 10
TrustScore 9.7 / 10
Feb 15, 2018
Verified Buyer
It was simple and easy and the content was top notch.
Feb 15, 2018
Verified Buyer
I was very satisfied. It was a pleasure to work with Jordan on my novel. His coaching was very instrumental to me finishing it.
Feb 15, 2018
Verified Buyer
A good, solid program to help guide new writers toward their first draft, first round of edits and first publish. The mentor program is also excellent!
Jan 28, 2018
Verified Buyer
Now novel has changed the way I write, it has thought me to look deeper into my story in ways I would have never done before.
Jan 19, 2018
Verified Buyer
I’ve been trying to get an idea for a novel for over a year and a half. Now Novel helped be develop a clear idea of what I wanted to write in two hours. It’s been an incredible help with creating my story and world.
Jan 16, 2018
Verified Buyer
So far I have now even able to utilize all of the features... but before I joined I was doing lots of reading from your blog. That has been very helpful and extremely motivating!! I want to thank you for all of your continued effort in making this site a wonderful place to learn and grow!
Jan 15, 2018
Verified Buyer
It’s very easy to navigate and use, and the features in it are so useful for brainstorming and writing!
Jan 14, 2018
Verified Buyer
It's hard to say after only a day or two, but so far so good.
Jan 09, 2018
Verified Buyer
I found the content helpful. It was easy to read and understand and thoughtfully illustrated with examples.

I will say the authors get all the credit and the editors very little. I would have liked to see the draft version as well as the published version. (Perhaps another time?)
Jan 07, 2018
Verified Buyer
I love the question and answers that guide you through the planning of my novel. The blueprint takes all your information and summarizes it giving you a clear picture of your story.

I would recommend this to any aspiring writer who needs help organizing their ideas.
Jan 05, 2018
Verified Buyer
The entire process what interesting and illuminating except for the forced march through characters - what a gagger.
Jan 04, 2018
Verified Buyer
My favorite part is the character break downs. The quotes are also amazing and keep me inspired.
Dec 30, 2017
Verified Buyer
Great tool for quickly roughing out an idea - or birthing the pieces of your masterpiece that are missing. I'd still use another tool, Scriviner, to manage the entire project.
Dec 30, 2017
Verified Buyer
Extremely disappointing. From the way NowNovel advertise their service, I would have expected to be able to plan a novel. It actually made it impossible, telling me the story I want to tell does not fit with their ideas. I would not recommend the service to anyone.
Dec 13, 2017
Verified Buyer
I had two chapters of my book written and was stuck. Working with a coach has helped me stay focused and purposeful in my writing sessions, and I'm near the end of my first draft now. The continuous encouragement has helped so much and I have the guides on Now Novel's blog to dip into whenever a craft-related problem crops up, as well as my coach - a great sounding board. Highly recommend.
Nov 10, 2017
Verified Buyer
Not helpful.
Nov 03, 2017
Verified Buyer
Excellent combination of personal help with questions as well as articles and reference materials. First time writer here, and I have found it incredibly useful.
Nov 02, 2017
Verified Buyer
Very good experience and have received excellent advice
Nov 02, 2017
Verified Buyer
I absolutely loved your method of gathering all the floating tentacles of my ideas to craft an outline. The one thing that would help me with online courses is regular emails, with a link to the course, to remind me of my progress and what I still need to do. I have so many things going on that if I'm not reminded on a regular basis, it shifts to the back burner, and I never finish.
Nov 02, 2017
Verified Buyer
Love it.
About Now Novel
Through a detailed writer's survey that taps into what's been holding you back from writing your novel, Now Novel creates a tailor-made writing course that helps you finish your novel. From start to finish, with detailed instruction from a published author and a set structure that works for you, Now Novel is all about writing your novel... Now.
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