I recently received one of the "Guzzle Style EARTH on the BOTTOM Bottles" from VibesUP and to my surprise, you kindly gifted me with a "Balance" bracelet. This generous gift is very much appreciated and I enjoy wearing it. I'm a huge water drinker already but was pleasantly surprised with the difference in taste I noticed while drinking water from your VibesUP bottle. The water is is so smooth and silky tasting. I would definitely recommend, for those individuals who are not fond of drinking water, that they try out one of these bottles, as I’m sure they would notice a difference in the taste.
I also want to comment on the great service you provide. I recently emailed you with questions about some of your other products with concerns about a family member. You very promptly responded with some really good product suggestions.
I plan on placing an additional order in the very near future even though I do not live in the United States.
Thank you for the great contribution you are making to society.
Cathy Coady