I have had back challenges for many many years. I have been wearing the bamboo pants to bed for over a year and the back issues are gone most of the time unless I do something stupid that I know I shouldn't and then it is fixed very quickly. I cut one pair to shorts for the summer and have a spare for guests plus I have given 2 pairs as gifts. Sold! I also have many other products like flip flops for me and my man, yoga mat for our treatment table, log for his computer, the best ever shower head in both bathrooms and more gifted to several people. I have many pieces of the product in the kitchen to put various stuff on treated the refrigerator and freezer, pieces in the bathroom for make up, mouth wash, etc, and given a lot of pieces to others to try too. I sleep with a piece under my shoulder which has a torn rotator cuff. I am expecting that to heal. I could go on and on and yet it is clear that I am a fan. It has made such a difference and I am forever grateful. Thanks to all who make it possible. Samantha