Honestly it was like pulling teeth. I initiated a request and got an email response a couple of days later indicating that I’d get a technician contacting me in a day. A couple of days later a technician emailed me. I made the request again and then had to wait another couple of days for a response. In order to get 2 tiny set screws (one of which had simply fallen out of the bike) the size of rice grains, the company charged me over $5 for shipping that occurred a couple of days later and received a couple of days after that. I originally asked for the specifications of the screw so that I might be able to source one myself the technician responded (after having to be asked yet a second time) “The set screws measure .155 and take a 2mm Allen), which tells me how long the screw is (in inches, I had to assume) and how to tighten it, but nothing else about the screw that would assist me in sourcing it like its imperial or metric diameter or its thread pitch. That’s an answer I’d expect if shopping in Walmart for hardware but not from a factory “technician”.