EyeGee's Jungle Pants Clothes
4.8 From 1 to 5
131 Reviews
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Reviews 131
Recommend 9 / 10
TrustScore 9.7 / 10
Mar 15, 2019
Verified Buyer
Fantastic!!! Great quality and beautifully packaged and addressed. I love them and I will be buying more. I do a lot of work on yachts in Thailand and they are just the right thing to wear. 5 star
Mar 15, 2019
Verified Buyer
Thank you. My partner and I love them!! He even said he would be happy to wear the brighter colours that I chose for myself! We like the quality of the fabric and the work that has gone into them and the concept. The way the packaging came through was great too. Wishing you lots of success :-)
Mar 07, 2019
Verified Buyer
My pants shrank after first wash. One size fits most my pants could be bigger. However I don’t blame the pants though. They were pretty comfy before I washed them
Feb 21, 2019
Verified Buyer
Really cool pants. Loved the packaging
Feb 20, 2019
Verified Buyer
I love the Eyegee pants! I've ordered multiple times. And never disappointed with the quality and comfort.
Feb 17, 2019
Verified Buyer
Very happy, very comfy.
Jan 08, 2019
Verified Buyer
Jan 01, 2019
Verified Buyer
I love these pants! I previously bought 2 pair, and just acquired 3 more. I'm in the process of losing weight, so they're a great fit through it all, and I don't have to keep buying different sized clothes. The designs are really attractive too.
Dec 19, 2018
Verified Buyer
Pants and service are awesome, though I wish the pocket had a zip or Velcro tab, also my friend added some elastic into the waist tie which makes them even more comfortable :)
Jul 25, 2018
Verified Buyer
Love Jungle Pants! Thank you all!
May 03, 2018
Verified Buyer
Order was exactly as I expected and arrived in a very reasonable amount of time. Always happy doing business with EyeGee's Jungle Pants.
Feb 16, 2018
Verified Buyer
They're great thank you very much. And thank you for your YouTube clips they're very informative and enlightening 🙏🏼 well one day we may reach that pinnacle. Namaste brother
Sep 28, 2017
Verified Buyer
Perfect transaction ! From the ordering, the shipping, and keeping me aware of where my order was. Great product ! Thanks again
Sep 18, 2017
Verified Buyer
I love my jungle pants. They are my new "uniform". The packaging is very nice and personal. Comes with a nice note. I made two orders and one as caught in customs so it took about a month. The other order came just as expected. So far hey are wearing well and are the most comfortable piece of clothing I own. Thank you so much for a great product. I have six pairs. Enough for almost every day.
Sep 07, 2017
Verified Buyer
I bought 5 pants for 4 people and I was sent two thank you gifts and a nice note! We're all extremely pleased with the quality of the pants. They wash well and we have all received compliments on how cool they look. Shipping took only a couple of weeks and everything was packaged well. I will definitely buy more.
Sep 06, 2017
Verified Buyer
As expected, these are Thai fisherman's pants/shorts. I love them, but they're not for everybody. If you're macho, you may not feel comfortable. A note about receiving: the pants will come from Thailand. They will smell slightly moldy due to warehouse storage conditions there. You can simply wash them with vinegar to remove the moldy smell. EyeGee should look into that, but as a customer, it didn't present much of an issue. I wear these every weekend for lounging around the house and running errands. Unique and very comfortable.
Sep 06, 2017
Verified Buyer
The pants are super cute. I cannot wait to wear them.
Sep 04, 2017
Verified Buyer
I still have not received the order. I will update the review or re-do it if they arrive, but so far I am out around 75 bucks and still no pants. :(

It's been more than a month, so I hope they arrive or I am offered a refund. So far, I was told if they were delayed further, I could be offered a refund of the shipping cost. I am going to look into that.

They left Thailand on the 8th, but there is no way to track shipping once they reach the US. My order of a dress from China ordered the same day was here days ago.

Sep 03, 2017
Verified Buyer
I didn't receive the pants I ordered so I'm not sure how to rate them. Help with that?
Aug 26, 2017
Verified Buyer
Love my jungle pants!
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