Accesa Labs Health & Medical
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Reviews 2658
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TrustScore 9.7 / 10
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Aug 15, 2016
Verified Buyer
Your website to order is perfect, but I can't say thé same about the lab Quest diagnostic. I had to wait 1 hour to be blood testing. In France it takes 10 minutes in all. Next time I take an appointments and try another lab.
Aug 15, 2016
Verified Buyer
Worked great! Thank you!!
Aug 15, 2016
Verified Buyer
Aug 14, 2016
Verified Buyer
Excellent service
Aug 13, 2016
Verified Buyer
Very impressed with the speed. I didn't see my results until a week or so out because they were in my spam folder, but you guys sent them out the next day. Also liked that it was cheaper to go through Acessa than my insurance. However, A closer lab site would have been nice, but I live in the middle of nowhere so 40mins away was understandable. I did wish that since my test was done at quest diagnostics my results would have synced up with previous bloodwork done thru them on myquest.
Aug 13, 2016
Verified Buyer
Great experience overall. The woman I spoke to on the phone was very kind helpful and informative. She was very good. I would recommend this to anyone. Thank you!
Aug 13, 2016
Verified Buyer
Access a lab was fast, efficient and reasonably priced.
Aug 13, 2016
Verified Buyer
Quick and efficient service.
Aug 12, 2016
Verified Buyer
Very good. Surprised how easy, glad to have found it.
Aug 11, 2016
Verified Buyer
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful service! I received my Lab Orders and Results in a very timely manner! Quest Diagnostics had my lab order in their computer and it was very easy to go in and get my blood drawn. I will use your service again as I was having difficulty getting my General Practitioner to run some specific tests for my thyroid and B vitamins levels. Being able to take my health into my own hands was such a relief as I was able to find out what was out of balance in my body and I was able to make the necessary changes that made me feel well again!
Aug 09, 2016
Verified Buyer
It was easy and quick to order and made the process at the lab quick and easy too.
Aug 08, 2016
Verified Buyer
Aug 08, 2016
Verified Buyer
so very easy to order/pay over the website! order to lab in less than 15 minutes. results only took 48 hours ... terrific!
Aug 07, 2016
Verified Buyer
Very quick results. Less than 24 hours.
Aug 06, 2016
Verified Buyer
Very fast service with skilled phlebotomy.
Aug 04, 2016
Verified Buyer
Fast, no-hassle turnaround times across the board. Very satisfied with my first use of Accesa Labs.
Aug 03, 2016
Verified Buyer
This is a FABULOUS service. It is easy to schedule, has quick and secure payment, and so much more affordable than booking lab work through a doctor's office! I HAVE recommended this to family and friends. Thank you for your service.
Aug 02, 2016
Verified Buyer
The whole process was extremely simple and straight-forward. The information and instructions delivered through email were very helpful. The phlebotomist was warm and friendly and my results were delivered quickly. Excellent all around.
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